Free MS Office Training Videos

Instructional VideosĀ / Accompanying Workbooks

These free MS Office training videos are designed to get you up and running with some of the most important topics in Word, Excel and Access. If you would like to learn some of these features in more depth, consider purchasing one of the accompanying workbooks. Workbooks are available and and wherever else books are sold.

Word 2010

Setting Tabs

Different Header on the document’s first page

Inserting Clipart images

Creating Multiple Headers/Footers in the same document

Excel 2010/2013

Creating Basic Formulas

Copying formulas and absolute reference

Using the Average, Min, and Max functions

Creating Excel charts

Working with Multiple Worksheets

Descriptive Statistics with Data Analysis Add-In

Complex If functions using And, Or, and Nesting

Access 2010

Introduction to Access

Creating relationships

Field Property Basics

Lookup fields and date formatting

Summary calculations in queries

Creating basic reports